Saturday, April 2, 2011

A slow start to the travels

We really tried to leave yesterday.  Really.  It just...didn't...happen.

Last night we spent the night with her folks - dropping off the cats at "summer camp" (as Sarah dubbed it).  We spent the evening playing "Oh Hell" - one of our favorite card games.  We were supposed to get up and get moving early the next day (this morning) but it just didn't happen despite a very respectable bed time.  Too tired from the last week.  We wound up getting out of there around lunchtime, having a great conversation on the drive back, and stopping at La Spada's here in the Orlando area.

Sarah enjoyed her very first cheese-steak.

Too bad this was her first cheese-steak experience - this was like allowing a 16 year old to drive a Corvette as their first car - this place is top notch.  Not sure we will be able to top this.

By the time we got back it was about 2 or so and we did a quick assessment of the situation and decided that we could pretty easily be done packing around 7.  We both agreed to pack as quickly as possible and then see if we could take off at 3 or 4 in the morning when the roads would be empty.  We both enjoy waking up early for that kind of drive - enjoying the time on the road and watching the sun come up in a couple of hours. It all seemed like great plan...

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