Monday, April 11, 2011

Fixing the Fridge

PC Fridge Fan
Our fridge has been acting up.  It's just not keeping up.  The freezer is great - everything stays frozen and there are ice crystals on the walls.  The fridge has a metal radiator which gets cold and occasionally has ice on it, but nothing in there seems to stay cold, getting up to nearly 50 degrees at times.  (It should be around 30-40 degrees)

After having to throw away food for the second time, it was time to do something.  I stopped at a local Radio Shack and purchased a 12V car cigarette lighter and a PC case fan.  Since I had no soldering iron (didn't make the cut for the road tool box) I used nylon zip ties and flaming duct tape.  My theory is that the radiator is cold, but there's not enough air circulating in the fridge to take advantage of this.  If I can force air over the radiator I think it may work better.

When I woke up this morning, the fridge was 33 degrees.  I think it just may be working!

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