Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finally back, working too hard to update...

We made it back a while ago, and I haven't had a chance to update my blog with the final set of pictures and the final few updates.  We got back, unloaded the RV, rested for a day or two, and then I went up to northern Florida for some cave diving for a few days.  After that, there was a week of sitting in the house and being a sloth.  Then it was back to work, and I've been working nearly every day (including memorial day weekend) since then.  I just haven't had the strength to post an update.

I have a few excuses - mostly around stress, sleep, an upcoming expedition with The Cambrian Foundation, and a few other things.  I come home and all I want to do is sit and not look at a computer.

Additionally, my computer has started to really act up.  It's been slow for a while, but the other day, it required some percussive maintenance to start.  Not a good sign.  My new Dell Studio XPS 9100 is on the way, ETA Wednesday.  I'm very excited, and in the process of organizing the stuff on my hard drive in preparation for a computer brain transplant to the new machine.

On a side note, I've had a lot of folks say "why don't you build a machine" or "I figured you for a guy who would buy the pieces and put it together yourself."  I could see that, but I work on broken pieces of software all day long.  When I get home, I just want stuff that works.  I want to be the guy who has his antivirus software malfunction and has to call tech support instead of going through 28 steps of diagnosing the problem himself.  I just don't have the energy for that - I'd rather play stupid and have someone else do the work.

So, this morning, after putting some space between me and the trip + first week of work back one-two-punch-combo, I'm feeling for the first time like I have the strength to start updating the rest of my trip blog.  I think it was inspired by my computer cleanup process - while sorting through some old files on my computer, I found this link to a guy who entered a $500 craigslist car into a WRC race.  It reminded me of our trip in the Winnebago.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Updates and more pictures coming soon.

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